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The Literacy: Birth to Grade 12 graduate program is designed for teachers who wish to acquire a master’s degree to teach birth to grade 12 literacy.
This program leads to a Literacy Certification, which equips you with the skills to teach in a number of areas as a reading specialist, literacy coach, and as a classroom teacher.
"Elmira's program provides so many opportunities for one to get their foot into the door in all areas of education. This program definitely keeps you busy, but the amount of information you learn will help you extraordinarily."
–Kylie Rosen '23, MSED '24
State law requires EC to collect immunization records from students taking six or more credit hours in any term.
If you wish to complete the MSEd Literacy program on a different progression cycle (e.g., two years, one course per term, or some other sequence) you will need to work with the Director of Graduate Studies to develop an individualized plan that meets your specific needs and circumstances.