Campus Map
The EC campus map can help you find your way around campus and find the best parking spot.
Chemistry students often complete their internships through summer research programs, either at Elmira College or at research institutions.
Pre-health students generally do their internships at hospitals or other medical facilities in the region. We also maintain a collaboration with a nearby Finger Lakes distillery where students can also work or do internships.
You can learn more about related community engagement and on-campus employment opportunities in MyEC through the Job Postings and Community Engagement options under the Student Tab. For internship opportunities, visit EC Handshake or Elmira College AlumniFire. For additional help exploring opportunities, contact the Office of Career Services.
The Chemistry Club promotes academic excellence, undergraduate research, and service to the community and profession within Chemistry.
Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The original fraternity was created to promote academic excellence and undergraduate research scholarship in chemistry. In 1931, the fraternity became a co-educational honor society.