Elmira College's Drug-Free Workplace Policy is listed below and can also be found in the Employee Handbook. For a copy of the Employee Handbook, contact the Office of Human Resources at hr@elmira.edu.

1.21 Drug-Free Workplace

The College is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment and, in accordance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol or a controlled substance in or on Elmira College owned or controlled property.

Guidelines and Procedures

Elmira College will establish and maintain a drug- free environment by providing ongoing drug and alcohol awareness information for all members of the College community and by implementing and enforcing this policy.

1. The College’s Clarke Health Center will offer ongoing drug education and awareness programs for the College community; schedules and locations of meetings will be publicized in College media.

2. The Health Center will also distribute drug and alcohol abuse information materials, including information on the health risks of drug and alcohol abuse, the criminal sanctions that apply to various drug and alcohol-related offenses, and rehabilitative services available in the area.

3. Every faculty member, student employee, and staff member, including those newly hired, will be notified of this policy.

Compliance as a Condition of Employment

In order to permit federal funding in support of any aspect of college activity, compliance with the provisions of this policy shall be a condition of employment, including student employment, at Elmira College. Preemployment drug testing will generally be required as a condition of employment.

Employment Obligation for Notification of Conviction

In compliance with federal regulations, any faculty member, staff member, or student employee convicted of violating any criminal drug or alcohol-related statute in and on Elmira College owned or controlled property shall provide to the appropriate supervisor or Executive Officer, notification, preferably written, of such conviction, including any resultant conditions, within five days of convictions. Student employees shall notify the student employment office. The supervisor, Executive Officer, or student employment official, having knowledge of receiving notification of a conviction shall immediately provide, in writing, notice to the Director of Personnel (or designee).

Employer Obligation for Notification of Convictions

The College shall notify the appropriate federal contracting agency, if applicable, within ten days of receipt of notice of any individual’s conviction as described in “C” above.

Sanctions for Violation or Non-Compliance

Sanctions will be applied in accordance with relevant provisions of the Faculty Handbook, Employee Handbook, or the Student Handbook, within thirty days of notifying the College of conviction. Appropriate action will be taken by the College; possible sanctions include but are not limited to the following: warning, counseling, mandatory rehabilitation, suspension, and dismissal. The severity of the sanction will be proportional to the seriousness of the offense and will also take into consideration the employee’s or student employee’s fitness or lack of fitness to perform duties.

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