Two Elmira College Students Inducted Into Triota Honor Society

Maya Powers ’25 (left) and Jasmine Denny ’24 (right) were inducted into the EC chapter of Iota Iota Iota National Women’s Honor Society.

The Elmira College Chapter of Iota Iota Iota (or Triota), the National Women's Honor Society, recently held its annual induction ceremony. Triota strives to maintain the feminist values central to Women's Studies: egalitarianism, inclusiveness, and a celebration of the diversity of women's experiences.

This year's inductees were:

Additional students qualified to enter Triota but have not yet been inducted, include

The featured speaker for the 2024 induction ceremony was Jan Kather, Instructor of Art at Elmira College.

In her keynote address, Kather spoke about EC alumna, Julia Boyer Reinstein ’28, a feminist, early lesbian activist, and strong supporter of women's issues. Reinstein gave many gifts to Elmira College including funding the restoration of the Great Hall in Hamilton Hall, donations from her collection of books and media about New York State history to the Gannett-Tripp Library, and funding to upgrade the Speidel gymnasium in Emerson Hall that led to the bell tower on the building being named after her.

Two Elmira College Students Inducted Into Triota Honor Society

Image of Julia Boyer Reinstein ’28 taken by Jan Kather.

“Among all of Reinstein’s gifts to the College, her funding to establish a Women's Studies Program in 1990 continues to feel alive today,” said Kather. “We continue to hold vibrant events and classes on campus and Reinstein would have been thrilled to know that Iota Iota Iota has become part of our program.”

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