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The Elmira College Office of Alumni Relations is starting a weekly #ThrowbackThursday social media series. Since the EC community is welcoming the Class of 2024 to campus this week, the series kicks off with a letter, from the Class of 1957, welcoming the Class of 1961 to campus. This letter was found in the 1957 handbook that students received as they arrived. The senior students made sure to let the first-year students know what being an EC student was all about!

"The Class of 1957 has been anticipating this moment for a long time, and at long last we can officially welcome you to our college family. As your big sisters, we'll be the first to greet you and make you feel at home. We know you'll be confused for a while so we thought we'd prepare this little book to give you an idea of what to expect.

Here at Elmira, the by-word is friendship. You'll notice this very quickly, and it will make things easier for you. You will be thrilled at the rapidity with which you'll make friends. As a matter of fact, brushing up on that smile of yours may be considered almost a prerequisite. At any event, no one needs a formal introduction to give or receive a cheerful 'Hello.' Before many days have passed, you'll find yourself familiar with the names of the upper-classmen as well as your own classmates. Let us say a word or two about spirit for it is second only to friendship. The spirit we refer to is not so much class spirit (important as that may be), but rather a college spirit which makes us all toe the mark willingly. Ours is a school dedicated to producing educated young women who will become useful citizens of their respective communities. This sounds like a big order but is actually accomplished easily and painlessly if the individual is conscientious and keeps up her daily work. It seems fitting at this point to mention the rule under which we live here at Elmira. The only rule we have is our Honor System whose success rests entirely upon the student. We have no proctors to watch us, and we take pride in being able to go about as we see fit, knowing that the responsibility of doing what is right is left up to our own judgment. Of course, we have some rules that you will be expected to live up to, but, these rules refer to the more mechanical things which pertain to your personal safety, rather than to your sense of honor. It's a great feeling to know you're considered an adult now, life here at Elmira has its gay side too. There are all sorts of teas and open houses, not to mention the class parties you'll be participating in. Colleges like Cornell, Colgate and Hamilton are within easy traveling distance, and there'll be many a party there that you'll have a chance to attend.

Oh, yes, at Elmira we sing at the drop of a pin no matter what voice you're in there's no better place to improve it. Nearly any gathering of students, as well as all meals in the dining room, provide an excellent background for a song. Sometimes we write our own songs, but most often the old favorites sung in true college style are our choices. However, the freshman class must bow to tradition in one respect, for, as freshmen, they cannot start a song in the dining room, but are obliged to answer with one if called upon.

We hope we've given you an idea of what to expect, and we hope you'll like what you'll find because we're sure looking forward to liking you.

Sincerely yours,
The Class of 1957"

Any members of the Class of 1957 remember contributing to this handbook? Or are there any members of the Class of 1961 who have thoughts to share about how they felt receiving this handbook? Be sure to visit the Alumni Relations Facebook page and share your comment!

Do you have an interesting EC throwback you would like to share? Email us at alumnirelations@elmira.edu and your story might just be featured in a future #ThrowbackThursday post!

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