1. Purpose & Introduction

1.1 This document defines the Change of Name Policy for all members of the Elmira College Campus Community.
1.2 Elmira College recognizes that faculty, staff and students, for various reasons, may use and prefer a different name other than their legal first name used for identification.
1.3 There are many reasons why individuals may desire the usage of a preferred name over their legal first name, including but not limited to, the use of nicknames, anglicized names, middle name and for those whose name is used to affirm gender identity.

2. Legal Name Change

2.1 In order to process legal/official name changes, Elmira College requires presentation of original copies of court orders, divorce decrees, marriage certificates, valid driver’s licenses or passports.

3. Use of Preferred Name

3.1 Elmira College respects the practice of using a preferred first name versus a legal/primary name for all of its members where applicable and not required by law.
3.2 We will make reasonable accommodations, if not disruptive to business operations and systems, in order to support and protect the privacy of members seeking to use a preferred name.
3.3 The use of reasonable accommodations and privacy practices will help us foster a campus environment that encourages self-expression and affirms gender identity but it does not entirely remove the incidental discovery or dissemination of one’s legal name.
3.4 Some campus records and other documents require the use of a legal name, regardless of one’s preferred name, including, but not limited to, health and insurance documents, financial aid, tax and payroll, transcripts, etc. (See section 2 above) Version: May 21, 2020; Created by: BRC
3.5 We recognize there are other areas within campus operations or business processes that may or may not offer a means to use preferred name versus legal name. Elmira College will strive to use preferred name where reasonable and practical in support of our commitment and our dedication of creating and maintaining a safe and friendly environment.
3.6 Campus members may set their preferred name at any time, but Elmira College reserves the right to reject or deny these entries where the preferred name may be used to avoid legal obligations, where found to be inappropriate, offensive or illegal.
3.7 Community members can change their preferred name at any time through various information systems or by visiting the Office of the Registrar or Human Resources. (See section 4).
3.8 Updates to name (if allowed) will take time to process as they must be reviewed and validated. Entries in this field will not reflect any changes until processing of those changes are complete. Examples of some systems/processes where changes may occur:
3.81 (MyEC Portal) Preferred name can be changed or entered by visiting (“My Profile & Settings/About Me/ First Name”)
3.82 (Campus ID Card) Preferred name can be changed on Elmira College ID Cards by visiting the Office of the Registrar (students) or the Office of Human Resources (employees) and making a formal request. Additional costs for replacement ID card may apply.
3.83 (Elmira College Email/Gmail) Email display name can be changed from within your email account. Visit “settings/settings/accounts/send mail-as/edit info” and change your name in the fields provided. (ie. Marcus Twain mtwain@elmira.edu could be changed to Mark Twain)

4. Assistance and Support

4.1. In an effort to welcome and embrace the privacy and individualism of our campus community, Elmira College does not expect or assume its members can or should handle name changes on their own. Assistance is available for employees and students.
4.2 The Office of the Registrar will handle any needs or requests for assistance with student name change requests or issues. (607) 735-1895 or visiting their office in McGraw Hall.
4.3 The Office of Human Resources will handle any needs or requests for assistance with employee name change requests or issues. (607) 735-1810 or visiting their office in McGraw Hall.
4.4 Members of the Clarke Health Center are also available to you as a resource. They can assist you in the name change process if needed. Please visit or call (607) 735-1750 for assistance.

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